Rocking Zoo Kids

made of wood with real sheepskins

Rocking animals “Rocking Zoo” made of wood with real sheepskins

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To rock, to snuggle, to create hairstyles
Made in Austria
We ship worldwide


Our carpenters work with high quality materials: wood, ecological tanned island sheep skins (leather for noses, eyes, skids). No use of screws
Leather coated skids: to avoid sliding on the ground and to protect the floor against scratches


Height of seat: 29 cm
Height of handle: 45cm
Length: 90 cm

My name is Lessie. I am a fluffy and cuddly greyhound, who loves to rock and snuggle with you. I enjoy to get my natural fur dressed. My friends who belong tot he Rocking Zoo are called Julius and Andi. Julis is a playful polar bear and Andi a cuddly wolf.
Our snouts, our lively eyes and the skids are leather coated and feel good an natural. Our soft skids don´t leave any marks on the floor and help you stay on the same place while you rock me. We rocking animal from the IvyDesign Rocking Zoo are curious to get to know you and to be pampered by your friendship.